Thursday, September 26, 2013

1800s Curtis Family Home - Then and Now

This is where Benjamin Kingman Curtis lived with his wife Sarah Lavantia Card and their ten children during the 1870s and 1880's. They lived in Ottawa county, Michigan for 30 years before migrating to Utah, Idaho, and Montana.

I've been looking for the exact property in Michigan where this farm home was located. I was curious about the home and wondered if it was still standing today. About a month ago I was told that the farm home is still there on the old Curtis family property and that it hasn't changed much over the past 100+ years. Here's a photo of the home taken about 1990.

A personal visit to see this home as it stands today is a dream I hope will come true very soon. Just imagine what it would be like to actually walk on the property of your ancestor's old farm from the 1800s. While living in Tallmadge, the Curtis family lost a son, Johnny Curtis, to drowning. He was four years old and was buried in a little cemetery close to this home.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Kolding Photos

Armand - Hans - Roy T.
This photograph has been in our family for a long time. I've seen it many, many times over the past 50+ years. The boys in the photo have always been identified as my grandfather and his two brothers. My grandfather, Roy T. Johansen was the youngest son in the family. His two older half-brothers that he grew up with were Armand Madsen (left), and Hans Madsen (center).

For years I've only seen this photo of the boys cropped from the Cabinet Card mount, so I never saw the name of the photographer and the location of his studio. I've searched for Kolding and only found a town by that name in Denmark. With this new information, I'm not too sure who they are. The good news is that the facial resemblance for the three boys matches other photos we have for them, so they still might be identified correctly.

Johan Johansen's sister and her husband
Armand was born in Denmark, Hans was born in Michigan, and my grandfather was born in Nebraska. My grandfather never mentioned that he had been to Denmark when he was about 10 years old. No extended family member has ever mentioned that the three boys, or even the family, had traveled back to Denmark sometime around 1910. The time frame is an estimate based upon the year my grandfather was born, 1900, and he looks to be 10 years old in this photo. Are the boys who we think they are?

Recently I located another family photo that was taken in Kolding. This photo is of my grandfather's aunt and uncle, the wife being the sister of my grandfather's father:

Johan Roy Tolve Johansen (aka Roy T.), my grandfather
Johan Johansen, my great-grandfather (Roy T's. father)
Johan Johansen had two sisters, Kjerstine and Anna Marie. I do not know which of the two sisters this photo is of and I also don't have the marriage information for either of the two sisters.

In summary, we have two photos in our family that were both taken in Kolding, Denmark. Did the Johansen-Madsen boys go back to Denmark? Which sister is in this photo? Don't know.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Grandfather Johan Roy Johansen

My grandfather Johan Roy Tolve Johansen is seated on the right. He is five years old. His sister Alma is next to him, the one in the dark colored dress. I love this photo. The "Bough" children were neighbors and their father was a photographer in Ringsted, Iowa when this photo was taken. My grandfather wrote in his scrapbook that the little Bough girl was his "first sweetie" - he had a crush on her! I love all the children's toys in the photo and often wonder if this was a picture taken at Christmas time. I bet his sister Alma got the doll she is holding for a Christmas gift. A lot of stories are buried in this picture and I can only imagine what they were.