Yesterday I was thinking about a friend of mine. She is a lot older than I am and I've never met her in person. I've talked to her on the phone a few times and we wrote a few letters to each other several years ago. Originally I found her while doing some research to find the descendants of
Benjamin Kingman Curtis. Her name was Lois Scott. She was so kind and helpful in sharing all that she had on her side of the Curtis family. Before I met Lois, I knew almost nothing about that side of our family. Anyway, while thinking about her, I was hopeful that she would still be alive, so I decided to check the Social Security Death Index. Sadly, I discovered that she had passed away a year ago last Christmas. I felt so sad about her passing because I had recently found a new picture of some ancestors on her side of the family and I wanted to share that picture with her. Now I will never have the chance to share the photo with her. I was thinking that sharing the photo with her would be a good way to pay back (at least in part) all the kindness she showed me in sharing her genealogy records with me. I will have to try and contact her children to see if they would like a copy of the picture that I wanted to give their mother.